11 Ways to find time to Scrapbook and Create (2022)

11 Ways to Find More Time to Be Creative

Find the time to Scrapbook and Create, Scrapbooking Ideas

Are you finding it difficult to fit ‘me time’ into your busy schedule? This must be one of the biggest challenge facing scrapbookers. I know how hard it is to find time to create. Life is so busy, sometimes it can seem that we are on just one long treadmill. It can be hard to add creativity to you daily routine even though it is something you really want to do.

Liz Gilbert (author of Eat Pray Love) says that finding time for our creative work is like finding time to spend with a lover. Even fifteen minutes of stolen passion before you make dinner is so worth it if you are desperate to see your lover. Treat your creative project in the same way.

The scrapbooking process is partly to blame. From snapping photos to picking them, printing, planning layouts, and of course purchasing supplies and creating pages. Scrapbooking takes time!! A common phrase I hear from our crafty ladies is that they struggle to find the time to create.

Actively establishing a daily schedule can actually be a good place to start. A daily schedule can help you achieve goals by ensuring you're regularly working towards them.

Here are 10 tips that may help you find ways to create more time. Pick one or two from the list below and get started. Write them on a post-it note and place them in a place where you are going to see them every day. Just get started!

Here are 11 Ways to find the Time to Make Creating a Priority.

1. Schedule Creative Time!

Be proactive, and schedule scrapping into your weekly routine. Even if it's only a single evening a week, planned "scrap time" will make it happen. If you don't plan it, it won't happen. Use the time blocking technique. Mark a space in your calendar and stick to it. 

2. Make scrapping a priority!

Do you only find the time to create when you think all your chores are complete? You might need to change that thinking. Make scrapping a priority. Put it up there as one of your priorities instead of way down the list. It will help you get more layouts completed.

3. Cut Down on TV/Netflix Time.

Better still, give up Netflix or TV for scrapping. If only for a night or two a week. Once you start watching a series on Netflix its hard to stop. Also, do you find yourself on YouTube a lot? YouTube is great for inspiration and ideas. However, try and limit the time you spend watching. Spend the time creating instead

4. Commit to a class! 

Sign up for a class in stamping or scrapping techniques. You'll learn new skills, and make new friend. It will also spark motivation and interest in your hobby. Reward: more layouts!

5. Follow a few challenge blogs!

Just pick one or two and start following a few blogs. Often joining in on conversations and following challenges give you a little push to start creating. Especially if there is a prize involved. 

6. Craft with a Friend

Nothing like scrapping with friends. Invite your friends over and have some wine. Scrapbook together. Share ideas and supplies and just re-connect. 

Setting up that time with your friends also holds you to a calendar commitment that you are less likely to break. Another fun idea is to take photos while you scrapping, print them then and there and scrap them!

7. Set a Goal

What do you want to achieve with your scrapbooks? Do you have a baby album or holiday to scrap?
Whatever the scrapbook is, it will be more likely to get done if you actually write it down and add a deadline date.

8. Pre-Planning Household Chores.

If you're still having a hard time finding the time. Try the following tips when it comes to daily chores such as meal preparation and housework.

Can you hire a cleaner to do some or all of the household jobs? If you can, then this would be a great option.

Start preparing pre-making freezer meals. I batch cook on the weekend, easy meals like Casseroles, Spaghetti Bolognese or Curries. That means no cooking during the week which means craft time for you.

Are you making too many trips to the supermarket when you could actually get it done by shoppng online? Online grocery shopping is another great time saver. Shopping online is convenient and saves about half a day. Also, save your online basket for use next time. 

This might be stretching it a bit, but you can even allocate chores to kids and hubby. Jobs like laundry, cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, and more.

9. Organise your craft space.

It is also helpful to keep your supplies organised. That way you don’t waste your time looking for the right paper, cardstock, or sticker that you know you have somewhere. Or worse, wasting time going out and buying more craft supplies.

OH Wait!! now that's not a time-waster, that's fun!!

10. Change up your routine 

Maybe you can change your daily routine. For me, my crafting time is Monday nights, without fail. After work, I visit my craft room. It works really well for me and the family know that Monday nights is my night!

11. Find little moments

Find little gaps in your day and squeeze in small crafty tasks. Such as:

  • Picking out a sketch or two.
  • Editing some of your photos on your phone.
  • Prepare your journaling, ready for your next layout.
  • Think about photos, papers and. or a colour scheme during your walks.

Ready to get Started?

Are you ready to live a life that you love and to take the small steps towards making it happen? The thing is, if you just pick one or two of these ideas and start focusing on putting them into practice, then you can get into a routine, form a habit, and then it will become more or less second nature. A bit like my Monday Minis.

Here is an infographic you can download and keep handy to remind you to find time to create. Download Infographic from Google Drive.

Print on A4 paper, cut, and adhere back to back and then laminate for extra protection. Place somewhere where you will see it everyday!!

Til next time


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