Button Bonanza: The Joy of Collecting and Crafting with Buttons

Welcome, button enthusiasts, curious crafters, and lovers of all things quirky! Today, we're diving into the whimsical world of button collecting and discovering how these tiny treasures can transform your craft projects and scrapbooking layouts from "meh" to "marvelous."

I have, for a long time now suffered from a touch of Buttony Gluttony. (Whoops I mean "Button Gluttony" ).

Button Collecting: More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeys

First, let's talk about the art of collecting buttons. You might be wondering, "Why buttons?" Well, why not? These little gems come in every color, shape, and size imaginable. Could it be about the thrill of the hunt? 

The Thrill of the Hunt!

The best part about button collecting? The hunt! Scour OP shops and thrift stores, raid Grandma’s sewing basket, and keep an eagle eye on stray buttons in the wild. There's nothing quite like the thrill of finding a vintage button that just takes your breath away. 

These last few days I have been in shopping paradise, staying with my mum in Batemans Bay for a few days, including a shopping trip to both Mogo and Milton.  I love scouring little shops for the perfect finds and there's nothing more fun than coming across wonderful finds such as a massive suitcase full of buttons. Of course, I didn't buy the whole suitcase but certainly bagged a bag of buttons. I chose the most vintage ones of could scoop up. 

Organising Your Collection

Once you've amassed your button bounty, it's time to organise. That is if you like to organise your buttons. Some prefer the chaotic charm of a big jar of mixed buttons—just shake and enjoy the kaleidoscope of colors. Others might sort by color, size, or even by the number of holes (two-hole, four-hole, shank—you get the picture). I don't think any of us would go that far! Me! I like storing them in a vintage suitcase.

Crafting with Buttons: Let the Fun Begin!

Now that you have a button collection that would make any magpie jealous, let's put them to use. Here are some fabulously fun and slightly offbeat craft projects to get those creative juices flowing.

Button Flowers: Blooms That Never Wilt

Who needs a green thumb when you have buttons? Create adorable button flowers by stacking buttons of various sizes and colors. Use floral wire to hold them together, and voila! You have a bouquet that won't need watering. Plus, they make fantastic (and slightly quirky) gifts.  

Button Art: Picasso Would Be Proud

If you're feeling artsy, create a button mosaic. Pick a theme—maybe a heart, a star, or even a portrait of your cat (because, obviously)—and start gluing buttons onto a canvas or piece of wood. The result? A funky, tactile piece of art that adds character to any room. 

Button Scrapbooking: Button Up Your Layouts

Scrapbooking is all about preserving memories and adding a personal touch. Buttons can take your layouts to the next level. Use them as borders, accents, or even to spell out words. They add dimension and texture, making your pages pop. Plus, it's a great way to use up those extra buttons you have lying around. 

My Own Suitcase of Buttons

Over the years, my fascination with buttons has grown into a full-blown passion. What started as a small collection has now blossomed into a veritable treasure trove, housed in a suitcase that I proudly refer to as my "Button Vault." This isn't just any ordinary suitcase; it's a kaleidoscope of history, art, and potential creativity.

Every time I open my Button Vault, it's like embarking on a new adventure. Each button tells a story, from the humble plastic ones that adorned my children's clothes to the rare, intricate pieces that I stumbled upon in antique shops and flea markets. There are buttons made of wood, metal, glass, and even some adorned with delicate fabric. Some are sleek and modern, while others are vintage, carrying the charm of bygone eras.

Button collecting and using buttons in crafts

Here are some of favourites! Favourite Buttons Collected

Collecting buttons has become more than just a hobby; it's a way to connect with the past, and express my creativity. Each button is a tiny piece of art, and together, they form a mosaic of my journey as a collector and crafter. 

So, the next time you come across an interesting button, think twice before passing it by—you never know, it might just be the perfect addition to your own Button Vault.

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