What's on Your Bucket List?

Hi there 

How many things have you done in the last five years that you consider to be meaningful? You can bet that you’ll have even more meaningful experiences over the next five years if you create a bucket list.

You might consider a bucket list to be silly or something that older people do, but it’s never too soon to start examining your life and prioritizing your time.

What is a Bucket List

What is a bucket list? Simply put, it is a collection of goals, dreams and aspirations that you would like to accomplish within your lifetime. The basic meaning of a bucket list is to keep track of your goals and to take steps to achieving these goals in order to maximize the incredible experiences in your life.

Definition of a Bucket List

bucket list

a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or   accomplish during their lifetime.
"making this trip is the first thing on my bucket list"

Where did the term originate?

The most common explanation for the origin is from the phrase “kick the bucket” which is believed to originate sometime in the Middle Ages when execution by hanging was common and the executioner would “kick the bucket” away from the poor hanging soul and then, well - that would be it..

What are the benefits of a Bucket List

Bucket lists make you think about what you really want from life and what you wish to experience in this lifetime.

Life is short and Bucket Lists remind you of this and that we should live in the now and experience life to its fullest.
Bucket lists provide something to strive for, a goal. They give us hope that we can achieve anything our heart desires.

How to make a Bucket List

My message to you is to Create a bucket list that fills you with enthusiasm: But sometimes it’s kind of hard to know where to start. The best way to start is to just write the first things that pop into your mind, with no consideration of whether with no consideration of whether you should or shouldn’t want to do a particular thing.  By writing exactly what comes into your head you are being true to your inner most thoughts.

Below are a few tips that may help you create your own bucket list.

Start with childhood: You had a lot of great ideas when you were a child. You’ve forgotten many of them or dismiss them as silly childhood dreams. Now is the time to dust them off and reconsider. What did you want to do and see as a child?

Check out other bucket lists on the internet: You’ll be amazed at some of the things you’ll find that you’ve never considered. Get inspiration from others.

Brainstorm:. Take an evening to work on your list. Turn off all your electronic devices and allow your imagination to run wild. Write down everything that comes to mind without judging it. You can evaluate your list at another time. It might be easier to come up with ideas if you consider particular categories one at a time.

Travel. Where have you always wanted to visit? Consider places near and far. Maybe there’s a famous burger joint in the next town or a state park you’d like to visit. Remember that the world is big, but largely accessible. In one day, you can find yourself anywhere on Earth.

Sports. Have you ever wanted to try hang gliding or learn how to ice skate backwards? Run a marathon or try deep sea diving?

. Ride a camel across the desert? Fly in a helicopter? Try your hand at zip lining? Ride across the US or Canada on a motorcycle? Swim with dolphins?

. Maybe you’ve always wanted to attend a Super Bowl or watch the Rolling Stones live. Do you have a favorite comedian you’d like to see? Watch the northern lights? Watch a famous opera or ballet?

Creativity. Write a book or song? Learn to play the banjo? Take salsa dance lessons? Take a Mixed Media Class?

These are just a few ideas. What other categories come to mind? Everyone is individual and there is not right or wrong. Give yourself a week to continue adding to your list. You’ll find that new ideas pop into your mind at random moments. Keep adding to your list and don’t worry about the length. You can pare it down to size later.

Ask your friends for your partner for ideas. Find out what your friends would put on their bucket lists. You’ll get a few more good ideas, as well as a few suggestions.

I have my Bucket List – What’s next?

Now that you have your Bucket List, it is a good idea to break it up into some groups. Start by looking at the four things you just want to put right up there at the top!! Otherwise your list is going to seem a little daunting and you might never want to look at it.  Overwhelm will kick in and you will end up just shoving the list in your draw, never to be seen again.

For example, what could you achieve in the next 6 months, or this season? What do you want to achieve by a certain age? Can you break some of the goals into yearly targets? ie 2020, 2021 or 2025. Is it a family activity or something you wish to do solo?

Unless you’re fortunate, you probably have limited time, financial resources, or both. However just begin making plans anyway. Decide what you can do to overcome your limitations (this could be setting up a budget or throwing your change in box) as long as it’s something that will help put your plan into action.

Planning Aspects

Once your groups are set up, start thinking about the planning aspects. It may be as simple as scheduling it into one weekend and getting in the car. Or it could be a little more complex. Consider these important factors below:

Who: Are you doing this on your own, with your family or partner? Do you have children and are they included?

When: When does this need to happen, is it a weekend event, night or day or school holidays.

Where: Where exactly are you going and would you going to get there. ie drive, transport, fly.

How: How are you going to actually complete this item. Do you need to save your money?

Download this free Bucket List Template and start recording your bucket list.

Free Download

I hoped you liked this article. What are the top 4 things on your Bucket List? Share in the comments below...

Til next time Julie 

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