Batemans Bay in NSW - Weekend Away visiting mum

I have been meaning to scrap these photos of Braedon and I at Batemans Bay at the beginning of this year. (2012).

We went down just after New Year, it was nice to get away for a few days.  Nice quiet walks on the beach and just taking it easy and really do not much of anything. 

Hiding a Chihuahua in a beach bag

Technically, some beaches don't allow dogs, but what harm could our little Sienna do? She's such a small and well-behaved pup. So, we decided to bring her along by placing her in my red carry bag. As we walked onto the beach with her, she seemed perfectly content nestled in her cozy spot.

Sienna was quite happy to sit in the bag, observing the world around her with those curious eyes of hers. She didn’t even show much interest in getting out; the bag seemed to be her preferred place. It was like her own personal beachside perch.  She peeked out occasionally to enjoy the sights and sounds of the beach, but she was mostly content to stay put.

It turned out to be a great solution for including her in our beach day without breaking any rules or causing any trouble. However, our clever strategy didn’t work quite as well at the supermarket. We thought we could sneak her in the same way, nestled in the red carry bag, but it didn’t go as smoothly. 

Before we knew it, we were kindly asked to leave. Apparently, Sienna’s charm wasn’t enough to bypass the strict no-pets policy there.

Hunting for Crabs

Braedon had one goal in mind when we headed to the beach: hunting for crabs. Despite his determination, he didn’t catch a single one. There were plenty of crabs scuttling around, but his strategy involved poking them out with a stick, which wasn’t very effective—or kind. In the end, I had to step in and tell him to stop being cruel to the little creatures.

He got the message, thankfully. We had a good laugh about it, and Braedon shifted his focus to his next venture: catching the blue-tongue lizard that lives in Nan's garden. Armed with a bucket and spade, he was ready for a new adventure.

Watching his enthusiasm and creativity in finding ways to engage with nature is always entertaining. Even though his methods might need a bit of refining, it’s all part of the fun. Who knows what he’ll come up with next?

Mini Golf at Batemans Bay
And, of course, we couldn’t resist squeezing in a quick game of putt-putt golf—also known as mini golf! It’s always a fun way to add a bit of friendly competition to our day. I have to admit, I might have let Braedon win this time, but only by a point or two!

He’s such a good sport and plays fair; I didn’t want to take away from his excitement. I may have nudged a few of his shots in the right direction and offered him a little guidance here and there, but hey, that’s all part of the fun, right?

Watching his face light up as he sunk those crucial putts was absolutely priceless. His laughter and cheers made the game even more enjoyable for me. 

Afterward, we both had a good laugh about the game, and Braedon couldn’t stop talking about his “victory.” It’s all in good fun, and I love that he enjoys these little adventures as much as I do. 

Mini Golf at Batemans Bay

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