11 Reasons Why Crafter's Don’t Finish Their Craft Projects

11 Reasons Why Us Have Many Unfinished Crafts Projects 

Embarking on a creative endeavor is a thrilling journey for crafters, filled with boundless inspiration and the promise of bringing their imaginative visions to life. However, the reality often involves a graveyard of unfinished projects scattered among the crafting supplies. This phenomenon is not uncommon and is rooted in a multitude of reasons that extend beyond mere distraction or lack of commitment.

Crafters grapple with various challenges, from shifting interests and external distractions to the pursuit of perfection and unforeseen obstacles. Understanding these underlying factors is crucial for fostering self-awareness as you begin any crafting project, as it paves the way for implementing strategies to overcome these hurdles and transform incomplete projects into triumphant creations. On the next page is a list of reasons why one may have not quite finished that all-important project that we once started with such enthusiasm and interest.

Understanding the reasons why we fail to finish a project, can help us reflect on our creative processes, potentially enabling us to develop strategies to address and overcome obstacles, ensuring a higher rate of project completion. Listed below are 11 Reasons Why Crafter's Don’t Finish Their Craft Projects.

1. Lack of Motivation: 

Did you lose interest or motivation in a project because it became too challenging or time-consuming.

Lack of motivation can often be the silent saboteur that derails even the most promising projects. Perhaps you started with immense enthusiasm, fueled by the excitement of a new crafty endeavor, only to find the initial spark flicker and fade over time.

When faced with a project that becomes increasingly challenging or time-consuming, it's common to experience a dip in motivation. The initial thrill might give way to frustration, and the once-clear path may seem clouded with obstacles. As the project demands more than anticipated, the initial excitement can transform into a sense of overwhelm, causing the initial drive to dwindle.

2. Inspiration Strikes Anew:

A common reason - did you get inspired by a new idea, new product release, or watched a new technique that you just can't wait to try, which led to you starting a new project before completing the current one?

In the vast landscape of creativity, the allure of a new idea or the discovery of fresh inspiration can be irresistibly magnetic, pulling us in exciting and uncharted directions. One common scenario that often derails ongoing projects is the sudden surge of inspiration striking anew. It's akin to a spark that ignites a fire of creativity, prompting the birth of a new project before the completion of the current one.

This phenomenon may be triggered by various sources: the unveiling of a new product, craft tool, or paper collection. The allure of new products is tempting as we desire to explore new possibilities, leading to a diversion from the original project.

While the newfound inspiration is undeniably invigorating, it poses a challenge to the projects left in limbo. The initial enthusiasm that fueled the ongoing project may wane as attention shifts to the shiny allure of the 'new stuff'. The danger lies in spreading creative energy thin across multiple endeavors, potentially leaving a trail of unfinished projects.

3. Overwhelming Craft Choices: 

Did you become overwhelmed with a varied array of crafting possibilities which led to indecisiveness, and caused you to abandon your project in favor of starting something new?

Amid the vibrant and ever-evolving world of crafting, the introduction of new products and materials can be both a blessing and a potential stumbling block. The phenomenon of too many choices often emerges when faced with a vast array of crafting possibilities, leaving one in a state of indecisiveness that can ultimately prompt the abandonment of an ongoing project in favor of something new.

The excitement that accompanies the release of new craft products is palpable—an array of enticing materials, innovative tools, and fresh techniques promising endless creative possibilities. However, this abundance can quickly transform into a double-edged sword, creating a paradox of choice that overwhelms and paralyzes decision-making.

4. Craft Techniques:

Did you start a project that included a technique that you couldn’t quite master? If the difficulty surpasses your current capability, frustration can set in, which may result in you moving on to a new, more manageable project. 

Embarking on a project that involves mastering a new technique is a commendable pursuit, often accompanied by the promise of learning new crafting techniques, skill development, and creative growth. However, this path can become treacherous when the difficulty of the chosen technique surpasses one's current skill level, paving the way for frustration and the temptation to abandon the project in favor of something more manageable.

The initial enthusiasm that propels us into acquiring new skills can be exhilarating. Yet, when faced with a technique that proves more challenging than anticipated, the journey can quickly transform into a complex terrain. The gap between aspiration and current capability may widen, leading to a sense of frustration that threatens to undermine the initial excitement.

5. External Distractions: 

Did life events, work commitments, or unexpected responsibilities divert your attention, resulting in unfinished projects?

Life, with its unpredictable twists and turns, often introduces external distractions that can steer us away from our creative pursuits. Whether it's the demands of work commitments, unexpected responsibilities, or significant life events, these external factors can disrupt the flow of our projects and contribute to the unfortunate phenomenon of unfinished endeavors.

Work commitments, with their deadlines and responsibilities, can become an all-encompassing force, leaving little room for creative expression. The demands of a hectic professional life may overshadow the initial enthusiasm that fueled the commencement of a project. As a result, the once-vibrant work-in-progress may be relegated to the sidelines, waiting for a time when the demands of work ease.

6. Changing Interests: 

Was there a change or shift in your creative interests? Did you abandon a project that no longer aligns with your evolving tastes or preferences? Creativity is a dynamic force, and as individuals, we evolve, undergoing shifts in interests, tastes, and preferences.

The phenomenon of changing interests can be a compelling force that prompts creators to reassess ongoing projects, sometimes leading to the difficult decision of abandoning endeavors that no longer align with their evolving creative vision.

The journey of a project might begin with intense passion and dedication, only to find that as personal interests evolve, the initial spark diminishes. Perhaps a new artistic style, medium, or theme has captured your imagination, steering you toward uncharted creative territories. In such cases, the project that once resonated deeply may lose its relevance, becoming a representation of a previous artistic chapter rather than a current and authentic expression of your creative self.

7. Resource Constraints: 

Did you experience an issue with access to specific materials or tools required for project completion, which caused you to set it aside temporarily or indefinitely? Resource constraints can present formidable challenges in the journey of project completion, often acting as barriers that hinder the seamless execution of creative ideas. 

Whether it's a shortage of specific papers, embellishments, limited access to specific craft tools, or financial constraints, the impact of such limitations can compel creators to set aside their projects, either temporarily or indefinite.

8. Crafting Perfectionism: 

Are you a perfectionist? The pursuit of perfection can lead you to endlessly tweak and modify a project, causing burnout or dissatisfaction which then in turn motivated you to start afresh.
The pursuit of perfection can be a double-edged sword in the realm of creative projects. While aiming for excellence is commendable, unchecked perfectionism can lead to a perpetual cycle of tweaking and modification, resulting in burnout, dissatisfaction, and, ironically, the motivation to start anew.

Perfectionism often manifests as an unrelenting desire for flawlessness, with creators constantly seeking to refine every detail of their work. This meticulous approach can become a source of immense pressure and anxiety, as the project is subjected to continuous scrutiny and adjustment. The initial joy of creation can gradually give way to frustration and exhaustion as the pursuit of an idealized outcome becomes an elusive goal.

The perfectionist's relentless pursuit of flawlessness may lead to a perpetual state of dissatisfaction. Each modification, rather than bringing a sense of accomplishment, fuels the desire to make further adjustments in the quest for an unattainable standard. This cycle of perpetual refinement can erode both the creator's enthusiasm and the project's original essence.

9. Time Constraints: 

Did you underestimate the time required for a particular project, making it challenging to sustain momentum, which leads to the initiation of new, seemingly more manageable projects? 

Underestimating the time required for a creative project is a common pitfall that can significantly impact a creator's ability to sustain momentum. The miscalculation of time constraints often becomes a driving force behind the initiation of new projects that, at first glance, seem more manageable. This dynamic creates a cycle where multiple projects are started, yet completion becomes elusive as the initial optimism gives way to the reality of time limitations.

The allure of a new project, seemingly more manageable or less time-consuming, can be irresistible, especially when faced with the challenges of a time-extended ongoing endeavor. Creators may find themselves enticed by the prospect of a fresh start, hoping that a seemingly simpler project will provide a quick sense of accomplishment. However, this cycle can perpetuate a pattern of unfinished projects as the demands of each endeavor, underestimated or not, add up and compete for the creator's limited time and attention.

10. Experimentation: 

Did you view a project as an opportunity to experiment with new ideas and techniques? Once the experimentation phase was satisfied, did you move on to explore fresh creative avenues. 

Viewing a project as an opportunity for experimentation is a commendable and often invigorating approach to the creative process. When creators embark on a project to explore new ideas, techniques, or creative avenues, the endeavor becomes a dynamic and evolving canvas for innovation. However, the inherent nature of experimentation can also lead to a unique challenge – the temptation to move on to fresh creative avenues once the experimentation phase is satisfied.

Projects initiated for experimentation are fueled by a spirit of curiosity and a thirst for discovery. This approach allows creators to push boundaries, challenge conventional norms, and infuse their work with a sense of novelty. The project serves as a testing ground for ideas and techniques, providing a space for trial and error that fuels creative growth.

Once the experimentation phase is satisfied, creators may experience a sense of accomplishment and newfound insights. The knowledge gained from the project becomes a valuable asset, contributing to the creator's skill set and informing future endeavors. However, this juncture also presents a crossroads where the temptation to move on to fresh creative avenues can overshadow the commitment to see the current project through to completion.

11. Personal Challenges: 

Did life events or personal challenges take an emotional toll, affecting your ability to focus on and complete a project?

Navigating the intersection of personal challenges and creative pursuits is a complex and deeply human aspect of the artistic journey. Life events, whether joyful or challenging, can significantly impact an individual's emotional state and, consequently, their ability to focus on and complete a creative project.

In the face of personal challenges, the emotional toll can be profound. Life events such as family crises, health issues, relationship dynamics, or significant personal milestones can create a whirlwind of emotions, demanding attention and energy. The emotional turbulence may cast a shadow over the once-clear path of a creative project, making it difficult for the creator to maintain the necessary focus and momentum.

The emotional toll of personal challenges often manifests as a pervasive sense of distraction, anxiety, guilt or even creative blockage. The mental and emotional bandwidth that was once dedicated to the project may now be occupied by the pressing concerns of life, leaving the creator grappling with a dual sense of responsibility and a desire to find solace and resolution.


Embarking on a creative endeavor is a thrilling journey for crafters, filled with boundless inspiration and the promise of bringing their imaginative visions to life. However, the reality often involves a graveyard of unfinished projects scattered among the crafting supplies. This phenomenon is not uncommon and is rooted in a multitude of reasons that extend beyond mere distraction or lack of commitment.

Crafters grapple with various challenges, from shifting interests and external distractions to the pursuit of perfection and unforeseen obstacles. Understanding these underlying factors is crucial for fostering self-awareness as you begin any crafting project, as it paves the way for implementing strategies to overcome these hurdles and transform incomplete projects into triumphant creations. On the next page is a list of reasons why one may have not quite finished that all-important

Download the 'Unfinished Project Focus Guide' today which

explains the reasons why we may have unfinished projects lurking in

our craft room and experience the empowering feeling of

accomplishment as you make real progress and finish your UFP's.

Identifying your priorities and kickstarting the journey towards finishing your projects is a rewarding process. Imagine the joy of witnessing those containers and boxes full of UFP's becoming empty as you work your way through them and hit the finish line with a project you are now proud of.

This resource will help you identify all your unfinished projects, prioritise them effectively, and provide actionable steps to commence your path to working on your projects in a systematic way and in turn successful completing them as well as:

  • Removing the clutter in your craft room to make more space.
  • Remove the overwhelm.
  • Help you lose the guilt
  • Finish the projects
  • Feel a sense of accomplishment
  • Create more mental space.

 Download the Guide 'Unfinished Project Focus Guide'

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