Belinda and Billy Bear
Braedon bought a journal book home from school which was about the life of two bears, Belinda and Billy. The little book rotates through the kinder kids - they take the bears and book home and they have to take pics and help think of the story about what they di
d with the bears in the evening. Of course the parents write the story.
We stuck to our normal routine, however just took pics. So here is what happened to Belinda and Billy Bear this night.
A summary
Picked some oranges, played on the trampoline, played inside with Moet and Sienna, had dinner, helped Braedon print some photos and help his dad write in the book. Had a story and went to bed. Well we wrote a lot more than that but I don't really want to type it all. I think you get it... not a bad idea is it?

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