Warragamba DAMFEST 2008
This weekend is the DAMFEST Weekend!
The Warragamba Dam Fest is a great fun day with a little something for everyone! There are live bands with entertainment and kids' activities. One of the main attractions is the bike and truck show and of course plenty of market stalls which I always love to have a browse of.
There are quite a few rides for the kids and Braedon had a go on the Bouncy Swing. I'm not sure what the correct name is so I'll refer to it as this. For the kids, there are rides to go on and Braedon had a go one of these bouncy things. Kody, well.... he wasn't quite as brave and did not go through with it. He had every intention to but changed his mind. He was happy to go on the slippery slide.

We had a nice lunch and as you can see Braedon always enjoys his chips. We left fairly early as I was leaving for Canberra that afternoon for a work trip and still had to pack and get organised.
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