The Most Popular Products for 2021

 Wow Ladies!!!!! It's been a minute since I posted anything here for you to peruse - I'm thinking December 15 LAST YEAR!!!

I've been away and spent some quality time with family and friends, I've crafted away many an hour, I've tried some very new things to me and I've been pretty happy with the results that I've achieved. Fun fact - I actually completed a project over the break that I started buying the bits n pieces for about 8 - 9 years ago!!!!! I should hang my head in shame that it's taken me THAT LONG to gather up enough confidence to go ahead with it.

Confidence or lack thereof is always a big barrier for so many of us but it's SUCH a good feeling when you forge through the fog and doubt and actually complete that thing that you've long been dreaming of!

BUT, this post isn't all about what was or whatever - but it's also about what is to BE...

I was mucking around on google this morning and was curious about what's hot in the crafting arena for 2021. There are some random things on the Pinterest What's Hot for 2021...but one of those random things was using cement...

DIY Concrete Bottles

I know it would be messy and getting cement through the narrow neck of an old wine bottle might be more of a challenge than what you'd expect, but HOW MUCH FUN would this be???

You could make these concrete vases and leave them raw once the concrete has set or you could even drag out the Posca Pens and decorate them to your hearts' content!!!

What's your random pick for crafting in 2021 going to look like?

Happy Crafting...

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